Come TogetherYears of Gay Liberation【電子書籍】[ Aubrey Walter ]

Come TogetherYears of Gay Liberation【電子書籍】[ Aubrey Walter ] Come TogetherYears of Gay Liberation【電子書籍】[ Aubrey Walter ] Come TogetherYears of Gay Liberation【電子書籍】[ Aubrey Walter ]

<p>On the origins of European queer politics <em>Come Together</em> tells the incredible story of the emerging radicalism of the Gay Liberation Front, providing a vivid history of the movement, as well as the new ideas and practices it gave rise to across the United Kingdom. Before marriage equality or military service, <em>Come Together</em> reminds us of paths forged but not taken by queer politics in its earliest stages.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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